A Year of Writing
Thursday Evening Writing Program
6:30-8pm, Writerhouse
The Tupelo Press Teen Writing Center is proud to continue to collaborate with the Writerhouse to hold free weekly meetings for teen writers, offering writing exercises, workshops, and revision, as well as opportunities to meet local authors. All meetings are led by excellent local teachers and writers, who provide opportunities to create new work and edit work for submission to contests and our local teen anthology.
No advanced registration is required.
Intensive Workshops
Our workshops are designed to complement local programs. New workshops will continually be added so please check back. Sessions that fill will repeat in the fall. All fees are used to pay instructor stipends, and scholarships are available.
Feb 22nd -March 1st – Graphic Novel Design – A four week workshop – Led by well known local artist Lana Lambert. Saturdays from 5-7pm – limited to 14 Register
March 1 & 8th Poetry workshop – Two four hour workshops with UVA MFA graduate student Brianna Flavin, based on the course she teaches at UVA. Register
Coming soon:
Teen Reading Series – A five week reading series beginning with a workshop on public speaking – Teen will read from their own work, first to an audience of peers at the writerhouse, then to an increasingly public audience at venues including The Bridge, McGuffy, and two other surprise locations. Limit 14 teens.
Travel Blogging: Are you traveling out of town, or in town over spring break or this summer? What makes a good blog, what keeps your readers interested. Learn the elements of a successful blog.
Local Writing Contests:
- The Village School and St. Anne’s Belfield, in collaboration with The Virginia Festival of the Book, host a Writing Contest and a Reading for all Charlottesville and Albemarle County Middle and High School Students
- – Submission Deadline EXTENSION 4 p.m., February 19, 2014
- Bus Lines Poetry – Dates and theme to be announced
- The Writer’s Eye – Ekphrastic writing in response to art at the Fralin Museum of Art – November deadlines
- Bus Lines Poetry – Dates and theme to be announced – November deadlines
- First Amendment Writes Contest – Theme on Freedom of Speech – November deadlines
Writing Camps
The Young Writers Program
Hosted by Sweet Briar College
Session I (Two Weeks: June 22-July 4, 2014) is designed for writers with a range of experience — those new to study in a specific genre as well as those seeking to build their existing craft repertoire. Eligibility: Rising 9th grade through rising 12th grade (minimum age 13 by start of session). Tuition: $1650. Features: intensive workshops, labs, readings, faculty conferencing, independent writing, publication and performance.
Session II (Three Weeks: July 6-July 25, 2014) includes all Session I features plus visiting artists, in-depth genre reading and writing with emphasis on technique, revision, and the road to publication. Eligibility: Rising 10th grade through rising college freshmen (minimum age 14 by start of session). Tuition: $2650. A more advanced session, it requires commitment to revision and pushing the limits of the genre.
Second annual Charlottesville
Summer Writing Camp
Sponsored by The Writerhouse
Two weeks in July
07-14-2014 – 07-18-2014
07-21-2014 – 07-25-2014
Details forthcoming
Fall 2014/2015
- We will maintain our Thursday night drop-in workshops guided by staff
- Plan a full range of meetings and workshops
- Support local creative writing programs, contests, and opportunities
- Provide opportunities to write and revise
- Help you prepare and submit your work to local and national organizations.
- Connect our young writers with local authors and writers
First up in the fall: What is a senior portfolio, what will it do for me,
and how do I prepare my work to submit?
Much time and thought, collaboration and consultation have gone into this outline of writing opportunities. Please contact us at twc@tupelopress.org if you have a suggestion or request for high school teen writers in the area!