Are you a published author with experience working with teen writers? Creative Writing Programs are absent from many high schools and young writers are bursting with talent and a desire to learn and grow. Apply now to our Tupelo Teen Writing Program and help us make a difference!


Creative Writing Faculty Application

Application for Faculty positions with the Tupelo Press Teen Academy.

Accepted file types: docx, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.
Resume - Please include your publication history and prior experience teaching teens.
Please tell us about your experience teaching teens, and why teaching for the Tupelo Teen Academy is meaningful for you. You can type in your letter or Copy/Paste from an existing document.
Which times of the year are you available to teach? (select as many as apply) - We would like to offer 6-week-long workshops of approximately 1 1/2 hours long each. Most faculty plan a mixture of generative and revision based workshops!
Creative writing courses you would like to offer.