Weekly Writing Workshops

Writerhouse 508 Dale Avenue, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Weekly workshops bring area students together on Tuesday nights from September through April. The 2015 spring workshops are winding down, focusing on developing a writing notebook for the summer, a visit to the UVA Special Collections Library, and our Open Mic on April 24th. Stay tuned for our fall calendar!

Albert and Shirley Special Collections Library Special Display

Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library Newcomb Parking Garage, Charlottesville , United States

A tour of the UVA special collections library is a memorable annual event, led by gifted librarians. Illuminations, first editions of time-honored authors, and surprises, every year. Holding a first edition of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass is an unforgettable experience, registration opens March 12th.


Crossroads III Open Mic and Photography Show

The Garage : 100 E Jefferson St, , Charlottesville, VA, United States

A student - led Open Mic for high school students submitting to the Crossroads III Anthology, two hours of amazing poetry and prose. Contact twc@tupelopress.org to rsvp!


Weekly Teen Writing Workshop

Virginia Arts of the Book Center 2125 Ivy Road ste 5, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Weekly writing workshops begin in the fall with a "Memory Bank" theme, each offering a stand-alone workshop, together building a powerful bank of tools for a writing journal, developed by Martha Banks with help from Carrie Brown at the Hollins MFA program. Winter/Spring activities revolve around the editing and production of Crossroads, our annual anthology of teen writing, and are held at both Writerhouse and the Virginia Arts of the Book Center.

Weekly Writing Workshops

Virginia Arts of the Book Center 2125 Ivy Road ste 5, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Weekly writing workshops begin in the fall with a “Memory Bank” theme, each offering a stand-alone workshop, together building a powerful bank of tools for a writing journal, developed by Martha Banks with help from Carrie Brown at the Hollins MFA program. Winter/Spring activities revolve around the editing and production of Crossroads, our annual anthology […]

Crossroads IV Publishing, Printing, and Bookmaking – VABC

Virginia Arts of the Book Center 2125 Ivy Road ste 5, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Editorial staff of the Crossroads IV anthology will meet at The Virginia Art of the Book Center in the Ivy Center during Winter/Spring when activities revolve around the editing and production of Crossroads, our annual anthology of teen writing, and are held at  the Virginia Arts of the Book Center, involving writing workshops, letterpress printing, […]

Fall Writing Retreat at Biscuit Run!

Biscuit Run VA

We are delighted to be invited back to Biscuit Run to share a day of writing workshops in this visually rich space! Register now for a space. Scholarships are available by request!

The Tupelo Press Teen Writing Center 2018 Calendar

Writerhouse 508 Dale Avenue, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Our writing workshops continue with a Christmas Party on December 20th, and carry through March 2019, ending a week before our Mirabella Prose and Poetry Contest during the Virginia Festival of the Book. We'll have an Open Mic in early April, and then give students the rest of the spring for AP exams and finals. […]